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Nix Chiropractic - Massage Therapist

Lisa Stevens L.M.T

10763 County Road 127 suite A

Flint, TX 75762

903-565-4021 or 903-352-0567


$90.00 -1 hr. Swedish, relaxing massage, Pregnancy Massage

$90.00 - 1 hr. Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Myofascial release, Bamboo

$45.00 - 1/2 hr. Swedish, relaxing massage

$45.00 - 1/2 hr. Deep Tissue, trigger point, Myofascial release

$90.00 - 1 hr Reflexology

$45.00 - 1/2 hr. Reflexology

$1/a min. - chair massage 10 min.

Available to do chair massage at different locations(call for pricing)

Thank you for visiting the website of Flint Chiropractor Dr. Nathan Nix and Nix Chiropractic - a professional Flint, Tyler, and Bullard chiropractic office. In practice as well as online, Dr. Nix strives for excellence through quality chiropractic care and education.

Within our website, Flint, Tyler, Gresham and Bullard residents will find information about our office and services, chiropractic, our explanation of back and neck pain, Health and much, much more. To Download and complete 1st visit forms click to go to the Your First Visit page. We hope you enjoy the information within and share it with others. Again, thank you for visiting and remember to come back often.

Dr. Nathan Nix, D.C.

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